Dare to have the smile
you've always wanted.

Our Office
511 Maple Grove
Oakville, Ontario L6J 4W3
(905) 849-1515

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Exceptional dentistry,
extraordinary services.

TMJ (TMD) TherapyMany suffer from Tempromandibular Joint pain or Tempromandibular Dysfunction. Symptoms include: Pain on opening. Inability to open wide or move from side to side comfortably Neck and shoulder pain. Ear pain, hearing loss. Ringing in the ears.  Clenching, night grinding  Chronic fatigue Noise, grating or popping in joint  Chronic Temporal or occipital headache Treatment of these problems can be complicated.  The cause can often be multi-factorial.  Successful treatment may involve other professionals; Physiotherapy,...

Bleaching or Teeth WhiteningMany of us feel that our smiles are most striking when our teeth look especially white, but unfortunately, soft drinks, coffee, tea, and tobacco can leave behind ugly stains. To help you restore your gleaming, bright white smile and to give you an added boost of confidence, we offer many options, such as custom whitening kits. Please contact us today to find out more about these options and which one is best for you.

SedationGeneral AnesthesiaAlso called sleep dentistry, general anesthesia can relieve pain and anxiety by making a patient unconscious during dental procedures.  For patients with intense dental fear or those who need major dental procedures, sleep dentistry presents an option that is both comfortable and practical.If you and the dentist determine that your case is right for sleep dentistry, the dentist may use oral medication or IV sedation.  Sleep dentistry has helped many patients overcome the barriers created by profound anxieties about...

Root Canal TherapyEach of our teeth contains a long, thin strand of dental pulp—which provides the tooth with nutrients and nerves—that extends down to the tooth’s root. If the pulp becomes infected or injured, the tooth’s nerves die and, often, without endodontic treatment, the tooth dies as well. Root canals are designed to save such damaged teeth.During the procedure, a gap is drilled into the tooth’s crown and pulp chamber, diseased pulp is reshaped or removed, and the tooth is permanently sealed with a gold, porcelain, or tooth-colored...

Porcelain VeneersAn excellent alternative to crowns, porcelain veneers can perfect your smile by masking stains, hiding chips, correcting misalignment, and creating uniformity. Veneers, which are made of thin, customized material, are designed to slide over the teeth, look incredibly natural, are long-lasting, and are relatively easy to apply.

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